On May 9, the Sustainability Office hosted a “Join the Energy Conversation” coffee event in the Courtyard to recruit volunteers for the Power of You program. Thirty-five faculty/staff attended the event and 15 registered to become volunteers.

A lunch n’ learn volunteer training workshop was held on May 28 for volunteers and for those who were interested in becoming volunteers. A total of 25 people attended the event. An overview of the Power of You Program was provided and a Q & A session was held.

Sustainability Campus walking tours were provided to volunteers throughout the summer. Tours were held on July 4 – sustainable features of UBC Okanagan; July 25 – Geo-Exchange building; and August 28 – composting station.

A training workshop was held on September 18 for all volunteers. Volunteer roles were defined and upcoming events were highlighted. FortisBC Ambassadors provided energy education and tips on how to initiate energy conversations with the campus community. Training exercises and practice occurred. By November 2013, there were 33 Power of You volunteers representing each academic building and student housing.

Interested in joining our team of POU volunteers, please contact