Next Steps

The UBCO CAP 2030 has identified bold targets and key actions that can accelerate the Okanagan campus towards its aspiration to achieve net-positive performance by 2050 in line with its Whole Systems Infrastructure Plan goal.


Informed by a distributed leadership approach, implementation of the actions in the UBCO CAP 2030  will follow three concurrent pathways.

      1. Implementation of Key Okanagan Plans:
        The success of this Plan is contingent on implementation of a number of key plans and actions under various leads. The Low Carbon Energy Strategy and Strategic Energy Management Plan (2021-2030+) are key initiatives that will enable this Plan to achieve its operational GHG emission reduction target. The successful implementation of strategies outlined in the UBCO Transportation Plan 2021 (2021-2030+) will provide the pathway to achieve this Plan’s extended impact emission reduction target for commuting.
      2. Okanagan-Specific CAP Actions:
        For emissions related to food systems and waste, immediate (now), short (by 2024) and medium term (by 2030) actions have been identified by Okanagan lead and support units for implementation. Okanagan’s leadership, and in some cases, Okanagan’s ability to implement Vancouver’s policy leadership, will move us towards achieving the targets set out in this plan.
      3. UBC System-Level Policies and Actions:
        Vancouver, with Okanagan input, will lead policy development in the CAP areas that apply to UBC as a system – air travel, embodied carbon and financial tools. For air travel and financial tools, staff capacity for implementation on the Okanagan campus is required. Other system level actions such as embodied carbon will rely on Campus Planning staff time for input and coordination on both campuses.

Here’s how you can get involved:

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