Effective March 1, 2010 Facilities implemented an anti-idling practice on campus.
The purpose is to protect public health and improve the environment by reducing fleet emissions while conserving fuel. Reducing fleet idling time reduces air pollution, noise, and fuel consumption. Areas of focus include reducing unnecessary vehicle idling by shutting off engines when idle times are longer than 10-30 seconds, encouraging car-pooling, and encouraging walking and/or biking where possible.
Information on Regional anti-idling measures is provided below.
- 2022, August 11 – Joining 30 other BC municipalities with similar regulations, the City of Kelowna’s new bylaw to reduce unnecessary idling and improve air quality is now in effect. Starting July 25, 2022, residents and visitors are no longer permitted to idle for more than one minute while within City of Kelowna boundaries.
- Regional District of Central Okanagan: Air Quality Information and Programs: Anti-Idling
- 2010, January 11 – Council decides anti-idling measures best dealt with on region-wide basis
- 2010, January 10 – Councillors want you to turn off your car
- 2007, September 12 – letter posted online RE: Vehicle Engine “Anti-idling” Signage from RDCO to Mayors of Kelowna, Peachland and Lake Country.