Replacing the SMARTTool reporting platform in 2019, the Clean Government Reporting Tool (CGRT) is a provincial reporting platform that measures and aggregates energy use and emissions for buildings, fleets, paper, and fugitive emissions. It is based on the reporting principals identified in the BC Best Practices Methodology for Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
All public sector organizations (PSOs) are required to provide energy consumption data into CGRT, which converts the data into carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), the standard unit of measurement for emissions. PSOs use the tool on an ongoing basis to track and monitor aggregate energy use, resulting emissions, and offset requirements. The data compiled by this software is used to complete the Climate Change Accountability Report (CCAR) submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Climate Action Secretariat annually.
As part of its responsibility to ensure compliance with BC’s Provincial legal and regulatory reporting requirements for the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus, the Sustainability Office is responsible for the collection and upload of quarterly energy consumption data into CGRT. Resulting emissions figures are used to offset the campus carbon liability annually as well as monitor and report on campus sustainability performance.
To achieve carbon neutrality, all GHG emissions reported by a PSO are required to be offset in the amount of $25.00 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) annually. Offset payments are made payable to the Ministry of Environment and are invested in various offset projects.
Contact us for more information.